Webskredder is a small company consisting of two guys, Sindre Skoglund-Hansen and Marius Solheim. Webskredder has primarily been focusing on delivering websites built with Next.js, but the dream was always to build a SaaS like Templify.
About Templify
Templify.app is the vision of Webskredder developer Marius Solheim, who is the main driving force, developer and designer for the service.
The Templify is a lightweight template manager aimed at primarily customer service work. Marius used to work at IKEA at customer support. IKEA has systems for automatically sending SMS's to customers when everything goes as planned, but when handling deviations like delayed orders and case management like handling claims, you can't rely on automatic systems as the cases vary greatly for each customer.
Inspiration for the design
At IKEA, Marius used sticky notes to hold text templates, with XXX as placeholders for customer names, order numbers, case numbers, etc. Using sticky notes became hard to manage and the fact that you had to double click to mark the XXX symbols and overwrite them meant it was prone to errors and inconsistencies.
Dear XXX,
We've tried to contact you regarding your case, XXX.
Best regards,
IKEA customer support
IKEA had a templating tool, which no one used, because it was hard to manage and didn't have the inline placeholders, like the Templify app has.
Taking inspiration from working with sticky notes, Marius made a prototype that had these cards with text, where you could add the text, and each ## symbol would render an input field at the top of the card. When exiting editing mode for that card, you could use these input fields to add inline text, without having to double click XXX and overwrite the text, like before. Using this tool for a few months, Marius increased the consistency and speed of which he interacted with customers and logged the interactions.
The prototype was also used for customer chat, which is a high-paced task where the ideal number of concurrent chats are up to five, depending on the KPI's of that company. Working with multiple concurrent chat sessions, you have to be fast and precise, and your KPI's often are messured in time and customer satisfaction, which can be a stressfull factor. The templating tool greatly helped the speed and consistency of which Marius delivered repeated sentences.